This blog post is dedicated to a good friend of mine, Kathy Zhong.
I distinctly remember meeting Kathy Zhong for the first time. We were at a Student Government meeting in our shared committee of spirit. A little freshman girl came up to and asked "Are you Juliana Discher? You write for The Chronicle, right?" I was surprised and tickled that this girl I had never acknowledged before knew who I was and a bit about me. After that day, our friendship quickly grew.
Kathy is an extremely dedicated person. She is very passionate about the organizations she's involved in: Student Government and Mason bowling specifically. She's constantly trying to improve and represent well in those groups. This summer I introduced her to OASC--a leadership organization I take part in. I watched her fall in love with the magic of Summer Workshop and grow new friendships. I was happy I was able to introduce her to something so special. Kathy's loyalty towards her friends and clubs is something we can all look to.
Despite being born with Noonan's Syndrome, a condition that can result in mildly unusual facial features, short stature, heart defects, bleeding problems, and skeletal malformations, Kathy has pushed on. Kathy deals with heart issues that prohibit her from running or taking place in most physical activity. She didn't let that stop her from finding a love for bowling after fighting her doctors for permission to play.
Kathy is honest to me and others about being bullied occasionally. It breaks my heart that people would disrespect her. She's constantly building others up. Whether commenting encouraging and kind messages on Instagram photos or texting inspirational messages, she has pure intentions. I don't think I've heard Kathy say a negative comment in my year of knowing her.
She exudes joy and positivity. Whenever I see her in the hallway, she gives me a big smile. Sometimes she gives me an aggressive hug...I don't mind though, because I am an affectionate person as well. :)
Kathy says she looks up to and treats me as a role model. I look up to her for constantly spreading good vibes. I hope she never loses that spark of genuineness.
Thank you Kathy for your friendship and for teaching me to be a better person.
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