Friday, September 19, 2014

Ready, Set, GoPro

New high resolution photography gadget captures action shots

Juliana Discher I Staff Writer

Thrill seekers be on alert: the GoPro camera is the next go-to gadget to chronicle your 

GoPros are small, lightweight, waterproof devices that deliver HD quality videos and pictures. 
They can be attached to a variety of mounts, depending on the purpose. 

According to Nick Woodman, the creator of the GoPro, the original purpose for the camera was 
to provide surfers with a way to film themselves catching waves until it evolved into the 
wearable tool it is today. 

Avid GoPro user and freshman Joey Wood said that he prefers his GoPro over other cameras. 

“[Before my GoPro] I used my dad’s camera, which was just a regular digital one, but I like the 
GoPro because it’s so small, yet the definition is really good,” Wood said. 

According to Wood, the mounts add to the uniqueness of the camera. There are several kinds that 
can be attached and then positioned with the GoPro to capture different shots. 

“I made my own rod mount for $4 with a broomstick, and I have a chest and head mount,” 
Wood said. “Sometimes I attach [the camera] to the bottom of my penny board or to the head of 
my lacrosse stick and get cool shots from that.” 

Sophomore Peyton Krell, another GoPro fan, said that he utilizes the mounts as well. 

“I have a helmet mount that you can put on an open vented helmet, like for biking, and I have 
sticky mounts, which can stick to most smooth surfaces,” Krell said. 

According to both Wood and Krell, the photos they post on social media using their GoPros get 
more attention versus others that they post. 

“The action of the photos stands out,” said Wood. “Plus, the resolution is so much better than 
just an iPhone camera.” 

According to the CBS News, the GoPro is currently the best-selling camera in the world, and 
Krell said that he predicts GoPro cameras will soon become popular around Mason High School. 

 “I think GoPros will definitely start trending around our school because of the variety of 
students,” Krell said. “No matter what activities they do, GoPro has a way of filming it.” 

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